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主要翻译英语中文 looking n (act: watching)SCSimplified Chinese 观察 guān chá TCTraditional Chinese 觀察   SCSimplified Chinese 注视 guān chá,zhù shì TCTraditional Chinese 注視  His looking at flowers and bugs made her think he was eccentric.  他喜欢观察花和昆虫,这在她眼里很奇怪。 looking n (act: searching)SCSimplified Chinese 找寻 zhǎo xún TCTraditional Chinese 找尋   SCSimplified Chinese 查找 zhǎo xún,chá zhǎo  The fun in picking wild berries is in the looking!  摘野果时寻找的过程最有趣! -looking adj as suffix (facing a direction) (后缀)SCSimplified Chinese 超...的  All the seats on the bus are forward-looking.  公交车上所有的座位都是朝前的。 -looking adj figurative, as suffix (focusing on, influenced by) (后缀)SCSimplified Chinese 关注…的,注重…的  Inhabitants of the island are inward-looking and mistrustful of outsiders.  岛民重视自己人,不信任外族。 -looking adj as suffix (with a given appearance) (后缀)SCSimplified Chinese ...样子的   SCSimplified Chinese 长得像...的  The man wore a cheap-looking plastic watch.  那个人戴的塑料手表看起来很廉价。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 look⇒ vi (cast eyes in a direction)SCSimplified Chinese 朝…看 cháo … kàn   SCSimplified Chinese 看往  He looked to his right.  他往右边看了看。 look vi (examine visually)SCSimplified Chinese 看 TCTraditional Chinese 看   SCSimplified Chinese 观察 guān chá TCTraditional Chinese 觀察   SCSimplified Chinese 观察 guān chá TCTraditional Chinese 觀察  Let me look to see if there is a water leak.  让我看看有没有地方漏水。 look at [sb/sth] vi + prep (watch, direct attention to)SCSimplified Chinese 看着 kàn zhe   SCSimplified Chinese 看向 kàn zhe,kàn xiàng  Look at me when I'm talking to you! The young woman was looking at a painting in the art gallery.  我在跟你说的话的时候,请看着我!// 那位年轻女士正在画廊中欣赏绘画作品。 look vi (+ adj: appear to be)SCSimplified Chinese 看上去 kàn shàng qù   SCSimplified Chinese 看起来 kàn shàng qù,kàn qǐ lái TCTraditional Chinese 看起來   SCSimplified Chinese 显得 kàn shàng qù,xiǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 顯得  James looked tired when he arrived last night.  他昨晚到的时候看上去很累的样子。 look vi (+ adj: appear)SCSimplified Chinese 看上去 kàn shàng qù   SCSimplified Chinese 看起来 kàn shàng qù,kàn qǐ lái TCTraditional Chinese 看起來   SCSimplified Chinese 显得 kàn shàng qù,xiǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 顯得  Marina looks awful in that outfit.  那套衣服让玛丽娜显得很难看。 Look interj (when making a point) (唤起注意)SCSimplified Chinese 喂,哎,听我说 wèi,āi TCTraditional Chinese 餵,哎  Look, I've had enough of your insolence; do as you're told!  喂,我受够了你的傲慢无礼。别人怎么说,你就怎么做! look n (act of looking)SCSimplified Chinese 目光 mù guāng TCTraditional Chinese 目光   SCSimplified Chinese 看 TCTraditional Chinese 看  The blonde girl noticed Dan's look and returned it.  那位金发女孩注意到了丹的目光,又把手里的东西放了回去。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 look n (expression directed at [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 眼神,眼色 yǎn shén TCTraditional Chinese 眼神  She silenced him with an angry look.  她瞪了他一眼,他不说话了。 look n (visual examination)SCSimplified Chinese 看 TCTraditional Chinese 看   SCSimplified Chinese 观察 guān chá TCTraditional Chinese 觀察   SCSimplified Chinese 查看 chá kàn TCTraditional Chinese 查看  Zara had no chance of a look at the text before the exam.  扎拉没有机会在考试前看一眼课本。 look n uncountable (appearance)SCSimplified Chinese 表面 biǎo miàn TCTraditional Chinese 表面   SCSimplified Chinese 形状 biǎo miàn,xíng zhuàng TCTraditional Chinese 形狀   SCSimplified Chinese 形状 biǎo miàn,xíng zhuàng TCTraditional Chinese 形狀  The children's toy had the look of a real phone.  孩子们的玩具电话样子很像真的电话机。 look n (long: gaze, stare)SCSimplified Chinese 端详 duān xiáng   SCSimplified Chinese 注视 duān xiáng,zhù shì TCTraditional Chinese 注視   SCSimplified Chinese 凝视 duān xiáng,níng shì TCTraditional Chinese 凝視  The child's look was starting to make Josh feel very uncomfortable. look n (fashion: style) (时尚)SCSimplified Chinese 风格,式样 fēng gé ,shì yàng TCTraditional Chinese 風格  I like her look; it is part urban, part punk.  我喜欢她的着装风格,有点都市感,又有些朋克风。 looks npl informal (physical attractiveness)SCSimplified Chinese 长相   SCSimplified Chinese 外貌 wài mào  Joe is a handsome guy, but he uses his looks to get what he wants. look to do [sth] v expr (seek, intend)SCSimplified Chinese 想要 xiǎng yào   SCSimplified Chinese 打算 xiǎng yào ,dǎ suàn TCTraditional Chinese 打算  Richard was looking to find a job at the local factory.  理查德想要在当地工厂找到一份工作。 look vi (to front on)SCSimplified Chinese 朝向 cháo xiàng   SCSimplified Chinese 面向 cháo xiàng,miàn xiàng  This house has five windows that look to the street.  这房子有五扇朝向街道的窗户。 look at [sth] vi + prep figurative (analyze)SCSimplified Chinese 分析 fēn xī TCTraditional Chinese 分析   SCSimplified Chinese 了解 fēn xī,liǎo jiě TCTraditional Chinese 了解  The detective tried to look at all the facts.  警探尝试了解所有事实。 look at [sth] vi + prep figurative (examine, deal with)SCSimplified Chinese 查看 chá kàn viTCTraditional Chinese 查看   SCSimplified Chinese 检视 chá kàn ,jiǎn shì  This article looks at similarities in the work of these two philosophers.  这篇文章检视了这两位哲学家作品上的相似之处。 look to [sth] vi + prep figurative (pay attention to)SCSimplified Chinese 期盼 qī pàn   SCSimplified Chinese 展望 qī pàn,zhǎn wàng  Ben decided that the past was behind him and that it was time to look to the future.  本决定将过去抛诸脑后,是时候展望未来了。 look in [sth], look into [sth] vi + prep (see inside [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 往…里看, 向…里看  Frank looked in the fridge to see if there was any milk.  弗兰克往冰箱里看,想知道还有没有牛奶。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语look | looking英语中文 look after [sb] vtr phrasal insep UK (child: be guardian) (对孩子)SCSimplified Chinese 照顾,照看,照料 zhào gù,zhào kàn ,zhào liào TCTraditional Chinese 照顧  Who will look after the children while we're away?  我们不在的时候,谁来照顾孩子? look after [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK (pet, plant: tend) (宠物,植物)SCSimplified Chinese 照看 zhào kàn  Will you look after my fish while I'm away?  我不在的时候,你能照顾我的鱼吗? look after [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK (concern yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 关心 guān xīn TCTraditional Chinese 關心  He's looking after his own interests, as usual.  他像往常一样只关心他自己的利益。 look after [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK (manage, run)SCSimplified Chinese 照看 zhào kàn   SCSimplified Chinese 照料 zhào kàn ,zhào liào   SCSimplified Chinese 管理 zhào kàn ,guǎn lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 管理  Could you look after the shop for ten minutes while I run a few errands?  我要外出办点事,你能帮我看十分钟店吗? look ahead vi phrasal (see what is in front)SCSimplified Chinese 往前看   SCSimplified Chinese 看前方  When you are the driver, it's best to look ahead on the road.  你开车的时候,最好看着道路前方。 look ahead vi phrasal figurative (think of the future)SCSimplified Chinese 展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái TCTraditional Chinese 展望未來   SCSimplified Chinese 为未来预作计划 zhǎn wàng wèi lái,wèi wèi lái yù zuò jì huà  The company is looking ahead to the future and hopes to expand its business.  公司正在展望未来,并期望拓展业务。 look around for [sb/sth], also UK: look round for [sb/sth], look about for [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (seek in surrounding area)SCSimplified Chinese 四处寻找 sì chù xún zhǎo TCTraditional Chinese 四處尋找  I misplaced my keys, so I'll have to look around for them. look away vi phrasal (avert one's eyes)SCSimplified Chinese 避开…的目光 bì kāi de mù guāng   SCSimplified Chinese 不敢看  The little boy knew he was in trouble and when the teacher looked at him he had to look away. It was a horror movie and I had to look away much of the time!  那个小男孩知道自己犯错了,当老师看向自己时,他只得避开老师的目光。  那是一部恐怖片,大多数时候我都不敢看屏幕! look back vi phrasal figurative (reminisce)SCSimplified Chinese 回顾, 回溯  When I look back, I wish I could live the days of my youth again.  当我回首往事,我希望能再过一回青春岁月。 look back vi phrasal figurative (dwell on the past)SCSimplified Chinese 沉溺于过去, 缅怀过去  Rather than look back, I must remind myself to look towards the future to better days.  与其沉溺过往,我必须提醒自己要朝前看,展望美好的未来。 look back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall, reminisce about)SCSimplified Chinese 回首   SCSimplified Chinese 回顾 huí gù TCTraditional Chinese 回顧   SCSimplified Chinese 回忆 huí yì TCTraditional Chinese 回憶  I look back on my years in school and smile. look beyond [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (consider more than)SCSimplified Chinese 看远一些 kàn yuǎn yì xiē TCTraditional Chinese 看遠一些   SCSimplified Chinese 往远处看 kàn yuǎn yì xiē,wǎng yuǎn chù kàn   SCSimplified Chinese 展望未来 kàn yuǎn yì xiē,zhǎn wàng wèi lái TCTraditional Chinese 展望未來  Look beyond his looks; consider his personality. look down vi phrasal (lower one's gaze)SCSimplified Chinese 俯视 fǔ shì   SCSimplified Chinese 向下看 fǔ shì,xiàng xià kàn   SCSimplified Chinese 低下头 TCTraditional Chinese 低下頭  Gary looked down in shame as the teacher told him off.  当老师训斥盖里时,他羞愧地低下了头。 look down on [sb], look down upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (feel superior to) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 看不起,鄙视 kàn bù qǐ,bǐ shì TCTraditional Chinese 看不起  It is wrong to look down on people less fortunate than yourself.  看不起不如自己幸运的人是错误的。 look down on [sth], look down upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (consider inferior)SCSimplified Chinese 看不上  These were rich girls who looked down on cheap clothes.  这些有钱女生看不起廉价的衣服。 look for [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (search for, seek)SCSimplified Chinese 搜寻 sōu xún   SCSimplified Chinese 寻找 sōu xún ,xún zhǎo TCTraditional Chinese 尋找  Some people look for love on the internet. I looked for you, but I couldn't find you.  有些人在网上寻找真爱。我想找你,但是没找到。 look forward vi phrasal figurative (think about the future)SCSimplified Chinese 展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái TCTraditional Chinese 展望未來   SCSimplified Chinese 看向前方 zhǎn wàng wèi lái,kàn xiàng qián fāng  On New Year's Day, many of us like to look forward and think about the positive changes we can make over the coming year.  新年那一天,我们中的许多人喜欢展望未来,思考着自己来年能有什么积极向上的转变。 look forward to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (await [sth] with excitement)SCSimplified Chinese 期盼 qī pàn   SCSimplified Chinese 企盼 qī pàn,qǐ pàn  We look forward to our summer holiday every year.  我们每年都期盼着暑假。 look forward to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (long for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 期待 qī dài TCTraditional Chinese 期待   SCSimplified Chinese 等待 qī dài ,děng dài TCTraditional Chinese 等待  I look forward to the day when I can afford to retire.  我期待着我能退休的一天。 look in vi phrasal informal (visit for short time)SCSimplified Chinese 短暂看望   SCSimplified Chinese 简短拜访  Fiona said she would look in to see if everything was OK. look in on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (visit or check in passing)SCSimplified Chinese 短暂拜访某人 duǎn zàn bài fǎng mǒu rén  While I'm in town I should look in on my parents. Please look in on the baby and make sure she's tucked in. look into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (try to find)SCSimplified Chinese 试图找到 TCTraditional Chinese 試圖找到   SCSimplified Chinese 尝试找出  We are looking into ways of increasing our effectiveness.  我们正在寻找提高效率的方法。 look into [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (investigate) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 调查,研究 diào chá ,yán jiū TCTraditional Chinese 調查,研究  The detective looked into the murder. We have received your complaint, and we will look into it.  侦探对这起谋杀进行了调查。/ /我们收到您的投诉,我们将调查此事。 look off vi phrasal (gaze into the distance)SCSimplified Chinese 了望   SCSimplified Chinese 凝视远方 look on vi phrasal (watch)SCSimplified Chinese 观测 guān cè TCTraditional Chinese 觀測   SCSimplified Chinese 观察 guān cè,guān chá TCTraditional Chinese 觀察  While my father taught me to swim, my mother looked on from the shore.  父亲教我游泳的时候,母亲在岸边看着我。 look on [sb] as [sth], look upon [sb] as [sth] vtr phrasal insep (regard, consider: as)SCSimplified Chinese 把…视为 TCTraditional Chinese 把…視為   SCSimplified Chinese 把…看成  I always looked upon him as a brother.  我总是把他视作兄弟。 look out vi phrasal (observe from indoors)SCSimplified Chinese 朝外看 cháo wài kàn  If you look out from the window, you can see the ocean.  如果你从窗户朝外看,你就能看到一片汪洋。 look out for [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (stay vigilant)SCSimplified Chinese 提防 dī fáng   SCSimplified Chinese 留神,小心 liú shén ,xiǎo xīn TCTraditional Chinese 小心  You must look out for snakes when walking in these hills.  走在这些小山上时,你须要提防蛇类。 look out for [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (person: take care of)SCSimplified Chinese 照料 zhào liào   SCSimplified Chinese 照看 zhào liào,zhào kàn  Jimmy's brothers have looked out for him since their parents died.  自从吉米父母去世后,便由他的兄弟们来照顾他。 look past [sth] vtr phrasal insep (disregard, not be distracted by)SCSimplified Chinese 不理睬 bù lǐ cǎi   SCSimplified Chinese 忽略 bù lǐ cǎi,hū lüè TCTraditional Chinese 忽略  It was difficult to look past the unsightly mole on his face. look through [sth] vtr phrasal insep (observe via: [sth] transparent)SCSimplified Chinese 透过…看 tòu guò kàn TCTraditional Chinese 透過…看  You can see the individual cells if you look through the microscope. Look through the window and tell me what you see.  如果你透过显微镜,你就能看到一个个的细胞。透过窗户往外看,把你看到的告诉我。 look through [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (appear not to see, be oblivious to) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 目光穿过  I said hello but he looked right through me.  我向他打招呼,不过他目光穿我而过,似乎看不见我。 look through [sth] vtr phrasal insep (search through, survey)SCSimplified Chinese 翻阅遍,查阅遍 fān yuè biàn,chá yuè biàn TCTraditional Chinese 翻閱遍   SCSimplified Chinese 浏览 liú lǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 调查 diào chá TCTraditional Chinese 調查   SCSimplified Chinese 查找 chá zhǎo  Can I look through those old clothes before you throw them out in case there is something I like? My boss looked through the papers before signing them.  在你扔掉之前,我能看一下那些旧衣服吗?里面或许有我喜欢的。在签署文件之前,我老板仔细翻阅了它们。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:looking | look英语中文 average-looking, average looking adj (not ugly, not beautiful)SCSimplified Chinese 长相普通的,相貌平平的,长得一般的 备注: hyphen omitted when adj comes after the noun it modifiesbackward-looking adj figurative (retrograde)SCSimplified Chinese 倒退的 dào tuì de   SCSimplified Chinese 开倒车的  Some people consider the government's proposal to be a backward-looking move. evil-looking adj (ugly, unpleasant to look at)SCSimplified Chinese 难看的, 丑陋的 fine-looking, fine looking adj (splendid)SCSimplified Chinese 外观好看的 wài guān hǎo kàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 美观的 wài guān hǎo kàn de,měi guān de TCTraditional Chinese 美觀的 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. That champion purebred Collie is a fine-looking dog. fine-looking, fine looking adj (man: handsome)SCSimplified Chinese 英俊的 yīng jùn de   SCSimplified Chinese 好相貌的 yīng jùn de ,hǎo xiàng mào de   SCSimplified Chinese 长得漂亮的 yīng jùn de ,zhǎng de piào liàng de 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. My my! What a fine-looking young man you've grown up to be.  我的天哪!你长大后怎么变得如此英俊。 forward-looking adj (progressive, modern)SCSimplified Chinese 有远见的 yǒu yuǎn jiàn de TCTraditional Chinese 有遠見的   SCSimplified Chinese 高瞻远瞩的 yǒu yuǎn jiàn de,gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ de  We see ourselves as a forward-looking organization. good-looking adj ([sb]: attractive) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 好看的,美的,漂亮的,俊美的 hǎo kàn de ,měi de ,piào liàng de  Eugene is a good-looking guy.  尤金长相俊美。 inward-looking adj (group, country: focused on self) (团体、国家)SCSimplified Chinese 内向的,关注自身的 nèi xiàng de inward-looking adj (reflecting on self)SCSimplified Chinese 内省的 nèi xǐng de TCTraditional Chinese 自省的   SCSimplified Chinese 省视自己的 looking after n UK, informal (care)SCSimplified Chinese 照看,照料,照顾 zhào kàn ,zhào liào,zhào gù TCTraditional Chinese 照顧 looking ahead adv figurative (weather, business: anticipating future)SCSimplified Chinese 展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái TCTraditional Chinese 展望未來   (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 向前看 zhǎn wàng wèi lái,xiàng qián kàn  Looking ahead, we need to plan for next year. looking back adv informal, figurative (in hindsight)SCSimplified Chinese 回头看 huí tóu kàn TCTraditional Chinese 回頭看   SCSimplified Chinese 回首过去 huí tóu kàn,huí shǒu guò qù  Looking back, I've no idea why I did it now. looking glass, looking-glass n obsolete (mirror) (过时用语)SCSimplified Chinese 镜子 jìng zi TCTraditional Chinese 鏡子  The princess peered at her reflection in the looking glass. looking up adj informal, figurative (starting to improve) (非正式用语,比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 开始好转的,开始改善的 kāi shǐ hǎo zhuǎn de,kāi shǐ gǎi shàn de nice-looking adj (attractive)SCSimplified Chinese 好看的,漂亮的 hǎo kàn de ,piào liàng de   SCSimplified Chinese 俊美的  I met a nice-looking man at work today. odd-looking adj (appearance: strange)SCSimplified Chinese 相貌奇特的,怪模怪样的  Alice wasn't sure whether she should eat the odd-looking mushroom. old-looking adj (appear older than age)SCSimplified Chinese 老相的,显老的 xiǎn lǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 顯老的 outward-looking, outward looking adj (looking beyond: self, organization, country)SCSimplified Chinese 外向型的 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.plain-looking adj (unattractive)SCSimplified Chinese 相貌平平的 shabby-looking adj (unkempt, messy)SCSimplified Chinese 邋遢的,凌乱的 lā tà de ,líng luàn de TCTraditional Chinese 凌亂的 strange-looking, funny-looking adj (odd in appearance) (事物)SCSimplified Chinese 奇形怪状的 qí xíng guài zhuàng de   (人、动物)SCSimplified Chinese 样子奇怪的,长相奇怪的 way of looking at things n (perspective, perception)SCSimplified Chinese 看待事情的方式 kàn dài shì qíng de fāng shì  I can't understand your way of looking at things. without looking back adv (with no regrets)SCSimplified Chinese 一往无前 yì wǎng wú qián TCTraditional Chinese 一往無前   SCSimplified Chinese 不回头看 yì wǎng wú qián,bù huí tóu kàn TCTraditional Chinese 不回頭看   SCSimplified Chinese 不踌躇不定 yì wǎng wú qián,bù chóu chú bú dìng  Rob left the job without looking back and says it was the best decision he's ever made. young-looking adj (having a youthful appearance)SCSimplified Chinese 看上去很年轻的   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: look [luk] I vi 1 (=glance, gaze) 看 kàn 2 (=search) 找 zhǎo Have you looked behind the sofa?你找没(沒)找沙发(發)后(後)面? Nǐ zhǎo méi zhǎo shāfā hòumiàn? 3 (=seem, appear) 看起来(來) kàn qǐlái He looked scared.他看起来(來)害怕了。 Tā kàn qǐlái hàipà le. It looks all right to me.我看可以。 Wǒ kàn kěyǐ. II n 1 (=expression) 表情 biǎoqíng [副 fù] There was a worried look on his face.他脸(臉)上有一种(種)担(擔)忧(憂)的表情。 Tā liǎnshang yǒu yī zhǒng dānyōu de biǎoqíng. 2 (=appearance) 装(裝)扮 zhuāngbàn the punk look朋克式装(裝)扮 péngkèshì zhuāngbàn IIIlooks n pl (=appearance) 外表 wàibiǎo (=good looks) 美貌 měimào to look out of the window 望向窗外 wàng xiàng chuāngwài to look south/onto the sea [building, window, garden] 面向南方/大海 miàn xiàng nánfāng/dàhǎi look (here)! (expressing annoyance etc) 喂! Wèi! look! (expressing surprise) 看! Kàn! look out!当(當)心! dāngxīn! to look like sb (in appearance) 长(長)得像某人 zhǎng de xiàng mǒurén it looks like Jim (=it may be him) 看起来(來)像吉姆 kàn qǐlái xiàng Jímǔ to look like sth (in appearance) 看起来(來)像某物 kàn qǐlái xiàng mǒuwù it looks like rain看来(來)要下雨了 kànlái yào xiàyǔ le it looks as if…看来(來)… kànlái… It looks about 4 metres long.看起来(來)约(約)有4米长(長)。 Kàn qǐlái yuē yǒu sì mǐ cháng. to have or take a look at (=examine) 看一看 kàn yī kàn (=consider) 细(細)看 xìkàn to give sb a quizzical/puzzled look揶揄地/疑惑地看某人一眼 yéyú de/yíhuò de kàn mǒurén yī yǎn to have a look for sth/sb找某物/某人 zhǎo mǒuwù/mǒurén by the look or looks of it根据(據)外表来(來)判断(斷) gēnjù wàibiǎo lái pànduàn I don't like the look of it/him看它/他的样(樣)子就不舒服 kàn tā/tā de yàngzi jiù bù shūfulook after vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=care for) 照顾(顧) zhàogù 2 (=deal with) 照管 zhàoguǎn look ahead vi (in time) 向前看 xiàng qián kàn look around = look round look at vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=gaze at) 看一看 kàn yī kàn 2 (=consider) [+ problem, subject etc] 考虑(慮) kǎolǜ look back vi 1 (=think back) 回(迴)顾(顧) huígù The past always seems better when you look back on it.当(當)你回顾(顧)往事的时(時)候,过(過)去总(總)是那么(麼)美好。 Dāng nǐ huígù wǎngshì de shíhou,guòqù zǒngshì nàme měihǎo. 2 (=glance back) 回(迴)头(頭)看 huítóu kàn to look back at sth/sb 回头(頭)看某物/某人 huítóu kàn mǒuwù/mǒurén looking back,… 回想起来(來),… huíxiǎng qǐlái,…look down on, look down upon vt fus 不可拆分 轻(輕)视(視) qīngshì look for vt fus 不可拆分 (=seek) [+ person, thing] 寻(尋)找 xúnzhǎo look forward to vt fus 不可拆分 盼望 pànwàng to look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事 pànwàng zuò mǒushì we look forward to hearing from you 我们(們)盼望收到你的回音 wǒmen pànwàng shōudào nǐ de huíyīnlook in vi ▶ to look in on sb 顺(順)便看望某人 shùnbiàn kànwàng mǒurén look into vt fus 不可拆分 (=investigate) 调(調)查 diàochá to look into doing sth 为(為)做某事作调(調)查准(準)备(備) wèi zuò mǒushì zuò diàochá zhǔnbèilook onI vi (=watch) 旁观(觀) pángguān II vt fus 不可拆分 (also: look upon) (=consider) 看待 kàndài Employers look favourably on applicants who have work experience.雇(僱)主对(對)有工作经(經)验(驗)的申请(請)者另眼看待。 Gùzhǔ duì yǒu gōngzuò jīngyàn de shēnqǐngzhě lìng yǎn kàndài. to look on sb as sth 把某人当(當)作某物看待 bǎ mǒurén dàngzuò mǒuwù kàndài look out for vt fus 不可拆分 (=pay attention to) 留心 liúxīn look over vt (=examine) [+ document, essay] 检(檢)查 jiǎnchá [+ building] 查看 chákàn look round, look aroundI vi 1 (=turn head) 环(環)顾(顧) huángù 2 (in building) 看看 kànkan II vt fus 不可拆分 [+ place, building] 游(遊)览(覽) yóulǎn look through vt fus 不可拆分 [+ book, magazine, papers] 翻阅(閱) fānyuè look to vt fus 不可拆分 ▶ to look to sb for sth/to do sth 指望某人提供某事/做某事 zhǐwàng mǒurén tígōng mǒushì/zuò mǒushì look upI vi 1 (=raise eyes) 抬眼看 tái yǎn kàn 2 (inf)▶ things are looking up 事情有好转(轉)了 shìqing yǒu hǎozhuǎn le II vt 1 [+ information, meaning] 查 chá 2 [+ person] 看望 kànwàng look upon = look on look up to vt fus 不可拆分 [+ hero, idol] 敬佩 jìngpèi 在这些条目还发现'looking': 在英文解释里: age - appetizing - attractive - beachfront - blind side - brassy - chancer - clean-cut - convincing - cross-shaped - dishy - distinguished - downcast - dusty - easy on the eyes - eye contact - face out - fluffiness - fluffy - garishly - glaring - gloomily - haggard - harrowed - heartbreaker - in mint condition - in retrospect - in search of - introspection - introspective - job seeker - job-hunter - lip-read - look - looker - mint - nebulously - old - on the prowl - on the watch - on the watch for - ordinary - outward-looking - photogenic - pleasure-seeking - retrospect - retrospection - retrospective - sad - scanning 中文: 中看 - 作乐 - 好看 - 姿色 习惯性搭配: looking before you cross is [essential, vital, imperative], no looking (before you open it)!, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'looking' 的论坛讨论:

Are all Chinese people good looking? Are you looking forward to going back to China? Are you looking forward to the course being finished? I am looking farward to starting the Chinese course I have been looking for this book for three hours / I looked for this book for three hours I'm looking for Chinese students who are learning French I'm still looking Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone Looking for a Pinyin dictionary We are always looking for new colleagues to help us expand and improve our company We're all looking forward to COVID being over! "-ly" words followed by hyphen..matronly-looking woman - English Only forum ... not used to her looking after the baby - English Only forum .....looking forward to - English Only forum ...in looking back after Edmond... - English Only forum ...looking set to + verb - English Only forum ...spent more time looking at the attractive faces.. - English Only forum 'A charismatic boy' or 'A charismatic-looking boy'? - English Only forum 'cold-looking' cottages - English Only forum 'Looking back' plus preposition 'at' - English Only forum 'looking off' - English Only forum 'thout looking on, either - English Only forum (at) where are you looking (at)? - English Only forum (soccer) looking to go long down the centre - English Only forum A beautiful person leaves the < place / classroom > looking beautiful. - English Only forum a big startled looking woman [big?] - English Only forum a bilious-looking man - English Only forum a bold-looking girl - English Only forum a dainty-looking - English Only forum a joke when he goes looking for them - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'looking'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "looking" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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